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Here at Sephardi Union we provide a Geniza service in your affiliated Synagogue so that you have a place to put those unused Holy papers.


Reach out to for more information.


Halachot of what requires Genizah: 

1. Any printed/written Sefer or part of a Sefer (even it is part of the Sefer has no Divre Torah on it, like the cover of the Sefer or the first few pages of the Sefer), requires Genizah. This is whether the Sefer is printed/written in Lashon HaKodesh or any other language. This includes Sefarim which are written for Mussar purposes.

2. A newspaper that is known to have Divre Torah in it  - should be placed in Genizah. If it is unknown as to whether there are Divre Torah in the newspaper, one need not look to see if there are Divre Torah in there. 
One who is lenient and puts all newspapers in the bin, even if he knows that there is a section discussing Divre Torah, certainly has what to rely on. He should be particular to ensure that the Divre Torah in the newspaper are not at the top of the newspaper and visible to the onlooker.
If possible, one should place the newspaper (with Divre Torah in it) in the recycling bin instead. 

3. Shabbat newsletters which include Divre Torah should be placed in Genizah. 

4. Stories of Sadikkim/pictures of Sadikkim do not require Genizah. 
It is good to put them in a plastic bag and tie the bag, before putting them in the bin.

5. Divre Torah that is written/typed on a piece of paper in order for the person to learn from it even for a short period of time, requires Genizah. 
If however, on the paper there are only references to Sources, and the “Divre Torah” are not self-explanatory from the text - no Genizah Is required.

6. Wedding invitations that have a Passuk printed on them do not require Genizah. 
However, one should not treat them disrespectfully, e.g they should not be used to wipe dirt off. 
It is good practice to place them in a plastic bag and knot the plastic bag and only then throw it into the bin.


Click here to view the Hebrew version of the Halachot with other ideas.



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